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CONNECTION LOST editcrop2.jpg


The third and final show in this series, incredibly this show I had titled 1 year prior. Connection Lost was intended to be about the disconnect in modern times through technology and materiality, particularly as formats are uploaded to the internet for publicity and documentation and lose their scale and texture for illuminated flatness.

The show was comprised of 5 artists working across Print and Photography at the RCA. A combination of sculpture and sound work was displayed, yet on the day of the opening the UK started to impose social distancing measures and the exhibition could not open to a physical audience. I had somewhat predicted this was going to happen, so I recorded the space with an old 360 camera and uploaded the virtual space that evening (link in bio).

The video is of low resolution and only allows the viewer to rotate from a fixed position, no zooming, no connection- physical, digital, or otherwise.

CL has coincidentally been the longest running show for all of us, yet no one has ever been allowed to visit the gallery, only peer through the windows and more recently the cracks of space between the blinds that shutter the space.

CL was a
 prophecy for the coming months, only communicating and connecting with one another virtually. We all recognised that this is no replacement for physical contact. The fist in my image attempts to clench or hold onto the empty watery space, like trying to catch smoke. The surface of the metal was repeatedly beaten, alluding to a sense previous life outside, like a weathered billboard, or a future relic.

fist detail.JPEG
install cl.JPEG
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